
JOURNALING (article compilations & etcetera)

  Chilling by the pond, of Monte Irvin Orange Park... ...of East Orange, NJ... 1:47 PM, on 6/15/24 5. 10:15 PM (6/15/24): who invented numbers - Google Search Apparently, numbers were invented... a group of Earthlings, known as the 'Sumerians'... ...around 3,400 B.C. (3,400 years... ...before, Jesus Christ) NOTE: They were the first 'human civilization,' to invent... ...a 'counting system'... ('base-60 decimal system, as opposed to our modern... base-10 decimal system') SEE: Sumerian Numerals. Chronicles of Computation —  The Early… | by Danilo Poccia | Chronicles of Computation | Medium 10:46 PM (6/15/24): GRIGORI PERELMAN - YouTube  (0:00-0:42) NOTE: Pelerman.flv - YouTube  (one wonders, what I.Q. power level... ...Grigori made use of... ...regarding that, which was involved... that... ...which, was filmed) ...apparently, this footage was filmed... ...for a reason... 11:07 PM (6/15/24): По морозу в галошах на босу ногу: как сейчас жив


If you're a faggot, I will gaze upon you as though you are sub-human... because you are... ... THOUGHTS OF THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS: A SUPPLEMENTATION ( Cuantos preguntas tienes? 5:26 PM (12/28/22): (to my recollection, I took 4 years of Spanish/Espanol in high school, and at least 1 year of such... at Seton Hall University, although at present... I am rusty) ...I recollect conjugations, quite a bit... although I would have to consult a database of words, for a couple days or so... to be brought up to speed... 5:34 PM (12/28/22): I had gotten an 'A' in intermediate Spanish I and an 'A' in Intermediate Spanish 2, in the Spring of 2013 and Fall of 2013... respectively, when a Seton Hall University student 5:41 PM (12/28/22): "I believe that good conceptualization of mathematical fundamentals, can aid in understanding... of foreign languages, or at least... in the learning and retaining, of affiliated information... ...due to the fact that t