If you're a faggot, I will gaze upon you as though you are sub-human... because you are...
Cuantos preguntas tienes?
5:26 PM (12/28/22):
(to my recollection, I took 4 years of Spanish/Espanol in high school, and at least 1 year of such... at Seton Hall University, although at present... I am rusty)
...I recollect conjugations, quite a bit... although I would have to consult a database of words, for a couple days or so... to be brought up to speed...
5:34 PM (12/28/22):
I had gotten an 'A' in intermediate Spanish I and an 'A' in Intermediate Spanish 2, in the Spring of 2013 and Fall of 2013... respectively, when a Seton Hall University student
5:41 PM (12/28/22):
"I believe that good conceptualization of mathematical fundamentals, can aid in understanding... of foreign languages, or at least... in the learning and retaining, of affiliated information... ...due to the fact that there is 'an indisputable correlation, between linguistics... and mathematics'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:02 PM (12/28/22):


1. DIFFERENT LIGHTS (darkcandles7.blogspot.com)


3. SOMEWHERE OUT THERE (starforests.blogspot.com)



Regarding URL addresses (websites), read the following link... to access them, via a cell phone's internet browser:

How to Copy and Paste on an iPhone (lifewire.com)

[visit an internet browser such as 'Google Chrome,' on a cell phone... and via the URL address bar ('at the top')... enter 'www.thegreatchat.blogspot.com'... to interact with the posted URL addresses, cellularly]






2:28 PM (12/30/22):

Day in the Life of a Wall Street Analyst (WFH Edition) - YouTube (2:09-2:14)

"The scrambled eggs in this video, look very appealing..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


At 3:10-3:58, this dude prepares lunch... and discusses the YouTube videos, he is intrigued by...


Michael Izuchukwu (@Michael08682677) / Twitter





2:00 PM (12/30/22):


"Interesting video of 3 females, cracking each other's backs... Sedentariness can give rise to back tension, along with the ingestion... of certain foods..." - Michael Izuchukwu


I wouldn't advise doing such, habitually... due to the potential risk, of osteoporosis (or link, to such)...


8:35 AM (12/30/22):
Bob Beamon 8.90m (Olympica) - YouTube

"A certain spiritual resolve, is necessary... for the fulfillment, of unconventional ideals..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:38 AM (12/30/22):

Weltrekord Mike Powell 8,95 im Weitsprung - YouTube


8:28 AM (12/30/22):

How things went wrong for me - YouTube

"Self-sufficiency is something, that requires effort... but there are different degrees of such, and some aspects have greater intrinsic value... than others..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:25 AM (12/30/22):

This made me cry😭 - YouTube

"Interesting video of a female, wondering about her future... Human perspective is subject to variation, as one progresses through life..." - Michael Izuchukwu



1:10 PM (12/29/22):

"I'm not cis," says Elon Musk in Twitter thread about gender and pronouns (msn.com)

"My understanding (up to this point in time), was that 'cis-gender' implies one is 'straight/heterosexual'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

cisgender - Google Search


8:38 AM (12/29/22):


"Very enriching and tantalizing, dish... Portion control is necessary here, to be 'health conscious'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:31 AM (12/29/22):


"Driving in Houston is something I did on a couple occasions (or so), given when I was a student... I sought to get my license... There ended up being a minor car crash, though... near Rice Village and the Outer Loop (such was in either 2009, or 2010)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:12 AM (12/29/22):

Niki Xanthou long jump at the 1997 world championships in Athens - YouTube

"Impressive long jump, by Niki Xanthou... In this video, she long jumps 6.94 meters (22'9")... ...to my understanding, women who can long jump 6.70 meters (22 feet) or more (in this event), are 'distinguished'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:00 AM (12/29/22):


"A tour of Rice University... At some point during my time at Rice (2008-2010), I must have walked through the Sallyport..." - Michael Izuchukwu

See: 0:28-0:54


7:42 AM (12/29/22):


"One of the reasons I was attracted to attending Rice University, in the Fall of 2008... was due to the aesthetics of the campus, in 'mailed brochures'... Nevertheless, I have found that many college campuses are aesthetic... and the collegiate experience, is more about the 'type' of students... that a school attracts..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:05 AM (12/29/22):


"Peaceful 'beach' video, that I watched quite a bit... in the summer, of 2019..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:43 AM (12/29/22):


"Interesting video of an Asian dude who forgot his 'native language,' after studying English... for 20 years..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:32 AM (12/29/22):


"Genuine belief in God, is characterized by exhibition of the Holy Spirit... given there is no greater demonstration, of 'God incarnate'... than that of Jesus Christ (God the Son), via the life... He had led..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Michael Izuchukwu (@11TJK11) / Twitter




4:38 PM (12/28/22):

"Why go to the moon?" - John F. Kennedy at Rice University - YouTube
"Human consciousness tends to change over time, individually and collectively..." - Michael Izuchukwu


4:14 PM (12/28/22):

6:39 PM (12/25/22):
"After watching this video, I thought the problem with Mexican cartels being involved in the present U.S. border crisis... is of interest... ...particularly, in the context of ex-convicts... and the prospect of recidivism, and subsequent extradition..." - Michael Izuchukwu

4:20 PM (12/28/22):
"...perhaps my hypothesis from 3 days ago, is relevant..." - Michael Izuchukwu


4:09 PM (12/28/22):


"Too high up, for me..." - Michael Izuchukwu

4:10 PM (12/28/22):


"...yeah, 'he'd' just be staring... wondering when you guys would return, to ground level..." - Magic Johnson


4:06 PM (12/28/22):


(Interesting video, regarding laughter... in different languages)


1:40 PM (12/28/22):

"Something I didn't know about, until now..." - Michael Izuchukwu



12:36 PM (12/28/22):

My critique of excessive Elon Musk news advertisements, over the past 3 months (2:03 PM, on 11/4/22) - YouTube

[personally, I think Elon Musk is a clown... in the context, of the advertisements of him (via msn.com)... for at least, the past 4 months... His portrayals are of one who is lost, hypocritical or confused... and he seems to be absent-minded, about this]

12:48 PM (12/28/22):

12:58 PM (12/28/22):
"Whenever I click on the 'cross' button, to open a new tab (via my laptop)... I detest seeing the bombardment, of excessive 'Elon Musk' advertisements... in the context, of the aforementioned..." - Michael Izuchukwu
For this reason, I intentionally refrain from doing so... and look for alternative pathways...

1:01 PM (12/28/22):
1:05 PM (12/28/22):

1:06 PM (12/28/22):
"If you 'genuinely' believe in God, then you have nothing to lose... but if you don't, you have lost everything..." - Blaise Pascal's Wager

1:14 PM (12/28/22):
"...In general, I don't like those who exhibit cyclical behaviors... as though living... in loops... ...the only constant is change, in accordance... with the principle of entropy..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1:18 PM (12/28/22):

1:19 PM (12/28/22):
"Running in the water, does not mean... you will get wet... The absence of evidence, is not necessarily... the evidence, of absence..." - Michael Izuchukwu
There are some things, which are 'hydrophobic'...

1:43 PM (12/28/22):


12:06 PM (12/28/22): 

Entering McDonald's (Roselle, NJ - 10:12 AM, on 12/28/22) - YouTube 

12:12 PM (12/28/22): 

Leaving McDonald's (Roselle, NJ - 10:23 AM, on 12/28/22) - YouTube

12:14 PM (12/28/22):

(a tasty Egg McMuffin, which was accompanied by hash browns and orange juice... as of 10:25 AM, today)


1:46 PM (12/27/22): 

"I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people..." - Sir Isaac Newton 

"If you don't ask questions, you'll have to hope... for answers..." - Michael Izuchukwu


10:17 AM (12/27/22):

Just another thing we can thank Astrophysicists for… - YouTube

"Interesting video on the origins of X-ray technology, regarding their utility..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:11 AM (12/27/22):
"I was showering earlier this morning, and had a daydream... that anyone who is outside Chipotle, at 10:45 AM (when they open)...  has been 'assassinated,' in the metaphorical sense..." - Michael Izuchukwu

There must be reasons, for that...


9:04 AM (12/27/22):

How Indian Engineers Helped Stephen Hawking 'talk' - YouTube

"Stephen Hawking was born on January 8, 1942 and died on March 14, 2018 (age 76)... Interestingly, the death date of Stephen... was 139 years, after the birth... of Albert Einstein, on March 14, 1879... ...nevertheless, I find Albert to be more relatable... regarding his spiritual views, which are more aligned with acknowledgement... of God's existence..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:58 AM (12/27/22):

Top 10 Theoretical Physicists of All Times - YouTube

"The phrase 'mind over matter,' has been utilized, intermittently... The spirit takes precedence to the material (matter), and thus... the mind is more reflective of the spirit... than the material (regarding closeness), given that the brain... is a subset, of the mind..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


8:49 AM (12/27/22):

Day In The Life: Private Equity Analyst - YouTube ('20-year-old dude')

"A secular life, is inclined to be less intrinsic... than a spiritual one..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:11 AM (12/27/22):

FINAL exams week in my life 🍵 waking up at 6 AM, productive study days, lots of coffee - YouTube

"Many ways to start, the day..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:01 AM (12/27/22): 

Fermi Paradox: The Time Problem - YouTube (0:00-2:35)

"There is the question of whether extraterrestrial civilizations that humans may one day encounter (aside from our own, that of 'Homo Sapiens'), are ahead of us... in terms of their technology, and cultural development..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

5:08 AM (12/27/22): 

Alien civilization: Report suggests there may be 36 intelligent aliens in universe - YouTube (0:11-0:18)

"I am curious about the names of the planets, these extraterrestrial civilizations... correspond to, and of their locations (within our galaxy, the Milky Way)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

I suspect this announcement, was via Fox News... because such has credibility...

>>>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36<<<

nasa contact - Google Search

Contact (seti.org)


4:40 AM (12/27/22):


"Some parents are more mindful about generational wealth, than others..." - Michael Izuchukwu


4:37 AM (12/27/22):


"As one gets older, one is increasingly susceptible to having an altered life outlook... regarding matters such as dating and spirituality..." - Michael Izuchukwu


1:00 PM (12/26/22):

How Much House Can I Afford Based on My Salary? (msn.com)

"A question of a troubled man..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Maybe the dude is thinking 95%


12:28 PM (12/26/22):

Saladino wins dramatic long jump title (video tribute) - YouTube

"In this video, Andrew Howe moves to the side... as though stating to Irving Saladino, 'let's see what you can do'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


11:07 AM (12/26/22):
Get Rid of Your Limiting Beliefs - YouTube

"To accomplish unconventional feats in life, requires great introspection... for both genders..." - Michael Izuchukwu


10:37 AM (12/26/22):

Living On $226K A Year In San Francisco | Millennial Money - YouTube

“Interesting video… From 0:00-0:39, the Asian female has the vibe of someone so successful… that she has voluntarily ‘censored’ herself…” – Michael Izuchukwu

(photo of my deceased dad, in his office)

(my mom and I, on the way to McDonald's... in East Orange, NJ... at 1:25 PM, on 11/30/22)

[A juxtaposition of my middle brother, JJ, and youngest brother, Joe (7/9/21 and 3/30/22), left to right (respectively)]


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